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okuda san miguel paints colorful mural within converted church's indoor skate park

a historic church in the spanish municipality of llanera, asturias is no ordinary place for parishioners.

instead, the site has been made into a place of pilgrimage for athletes after its conversion into an indoor skate park. at the start of december 2015, artist okuda san miguel began work on a monumental, colorful mural which now canvasses la iglesia skate’s vaulted ceilings, and window-lined walls. a vibrant display of faceted faces, geometric skulls and psychedelic wildlife encompasses the space overhead, wrapping all interior surfaces in a mesmerizing artwork. created in collaboration with red bull, ‘kaos temple’ forms a sanctuary for both skateboarders and art lovers alike.

okuda san miguel paints colorful mural within converted church's indoor skate park


  • Llanera, Asturias, Spain
  • okuda san miguel
