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Room Mate Bruno

The Studio TS has recently disembarked in Rotterdam to develop the design of the Room Mate Bruno, the biggest hotel to date.

This collaboration between Teresa Sapey and the hotel chain will be the third to date, revealing the harmony between the spirit of the brand and the studio designs. The chosen site, which will see the refurbishment of the ancient spices depot of the Dutch East India Company, is located near the pier and sits opposite the De Rotterdam by Rem Koolhaas.

The project narrates the story of the site itself, where the exchange of goods and cultures, proceeding from all over the world, took place. Consequently, the tonalities and shades that govern the building are inspired by the colors of spices and Flemish paintings that depict the past history of this particular area. The building in which the hotel is nestled is certainly one of the few historical remnants that still are in the area of Dutch’s Manhattan.

This hotel will talk to its users about commercial routes, values exchanged, colorful spices, sailing, globes, nautical charts and tools – among others. The user will experience a unique historical journey which has been spatially reinterpreted with a modern key. The importance of space openings and closures, lighting and color use, enable for the users to become part of the narrative itself whilst breathing, touching, savoring and smelling the context they are residing in.

Room Mate Bruno


  • Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Teresa Sapey Studio