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American Junkie

Retractable skylight structure at the famous night club in Chicago

In the USA it’s not uncommon that people urge for a house in the Jungle. To feel connected with nature and to find an ultimate peace they move from urban metropolitans to live in the forest. While they did not want to hike on off-beat paths or start living in the wild; the idea is to blend in nature without losing the comfortability.

The urge for this need can only be satisfied by modern structures that have been transformed from traditional cottages and cabins to the woodland homes. As for this project which we Libart named as Honzawa residence is a perfect example for the transformation of a forest cabin into the spectacular modern architecture of retractable structures.

The client was looking for different options in the market as he wants this project a perfect one. He desires for a place which completely connects the indoor with outdoor without any hindrance so that he can sense the wild; sitting inside the cabin. His searching led him to the Libart, where he was advised with Panoramic Doors and Windows that retracts vertically with no frames in the center. Easy and safe to use these guillotine windows are automatic and offer Panoramic views with its maximum height and width. Comparing prices with other companies and looking for the value of the money he was going to spend on this project, the client finally awarded the project to Libart.

To be the perfect fit in the environment the vertical retracting doors and windows acquire the feature of perfect sealing avoiding water and air to enter the place when not needed. Highly sophisticated system option and fully thermal broken structure of Panoramic windows and doors make them the finest of all. Upon the completion of the Project, the wood house looks amazing and stylish providing the owner with the connectivity of indoor and outdoor that he wishes for.

American Junkie


  • 628 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA 92101, USA
  • Libart Enclosure Systems