A dreamy garden restaurant in Athens
Once in awhile, during the long winter months, it’s nice to have a pick-me-up, something to remind you that there is light at the end of the blustery tunnel. AK-A‘s 48 Urban Garden restaurant gives us that tiny sliver of hope.
Occupying the ground floor of the Ileana Tounta Contemporary Art Center in Athens, 48 Urban Garden is a veritable breath of fresh air in the city. Verdant patches surround the simple wooden landscape: plants bloom from boxes, trees provide shade and gardens produce vegetables, fruit and herbs.
Visitors can sit at colorful bar seating, relax in lounge chairs or dine at picnic tables. A shiny, silver Airstream occupies a corner of the restaurant adding to the stress-free, summertime vibe. It has been converted into a full kitchen dedicated to the preparation of seasonal, organic, locally sourced food. Add a few strings of lights and some tree-trunk stools, and the whole scene becomes so irresistible that we can almost believe summer is just around the corner.