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paleko + plazma nestles wooden housing development in a lithuanian nature reserve

based by the ribiskes valley surrounded by abundant woodland, the architects at plazma collaborated with paleko architecture studio to design a series of timber-cladded residences for a housing development in vilnuis, lithuania.

following the site’s natural topography, eight residences have been distributed on the southern side closest to the hill. the buildings have been raised to sit between or above the cornices of what previous were ammunition vaults and at the same time, to allow more sunlight into the interior. this balance between old and new enables access to the historical ruins but also retains their visibility from street level.

meanwhile on the north side, the rest of the homes are settled on the lower gradient next to the creek bank. defined by their pitched roofs, each pair of structures share a connected terrace. due to the sunken terrain, from street level, they appear to be just one storey high, but they are in fact composed of two levels.

formed with a traditional, archetypal silhouette and complemented with contemporary detailing, the houses are harmonized by a consistent material palette of textural wooden planking and the use of recessed windows and skylights. this homogenous, wooden cabin aesthetic is reminiscent of the local architecture found in the area.

from street level, the north orientated houses appear to be only one storey


  • Vilnius, Lithuania
  • paleko architecture studio