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azuma makoto takes his guerrilla flower shop through the tokyo streets

appearing at night seemingly without origin or reason, azuma makoto‘s guerrilla flower shop offers evening wanderers an unexpected encounter with nature in some of the city’s most unexpected places.

no one knows where the flower stall will appear next, following its recent roam through the streets of tokyo. makoto has modified a shopping cart-like structure with wheels to accommodate a wide variety of botanical species, some wildly blooming out of their confines, others are carefully contained within a transparent capsule. pushed through tokyo’s bustling outdoor markets and across wide, busy streets, the mobile boutique makes its way through the cityscape for ordinary passersby to experience and enjoy, even offering the possibility to take a piece of the whimsical encounter home with them.

the stall appears at night seemingly without origin or reason


  • Tokyo, Japan
  • azuma makoto