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Oslo international airport expansion by nordic office of architecture

Due for completion in 2017, nordic office of architecture have been chosen to increase the existing capacity of the oslo international airport in norway

The project involves the planning and design of airside and landside areas, expansion of the existing terminal building and a new pier.

the 148,000 square meter scheme com­prises pre­lim­i­nary and de­tailed de­sign, in­clud­ing con­tact with air­lines, con­ces­sion­aires and air­port han­dling com­pa­nies. during the first phase, the ca­pac­ity of the air­port will rise to 28 mil­lion pas­sen­gers per year, while in the sec­ond phase the num­ber will in­crease again to 35 mil­lion.

oslo air­port is al­ready one of the world’s most en­ergy ef­fi­cient air­ports, and the new ter­mi­nal is de­signed to achieve ‘BREEAM ex­cel­lence’. fo­cus on en­sur­ing that uni­ver­sal de­sign is an in­te­gral part of the over­all ar­chi­tec­tural con­cept has been an im­por­tant part of the ex­pan­sion pro­ject. in keep­ing with the ex­ist­ing termi­nal, this strat­egy in­cludes sim­ple and un­der­stand­able move­ment pat­terns that giv­e the trav­eler a good overview and un­der­stand­ing of where to go.

the shape of the build­ing has been op­ti­mized for tak­ing ad­van­tage of pas­sive so­lar en­ergy and day­light, and has been de­signed to be re­spon­sive to chang­ing weather con­di­tions. low-car­bon tech­nolo­gies such as dis­trict heat­ing and nat­ural ther­mal en­ergy have also been key el­e­ments of the sus­tain­abil­ity strat­egy.

Oslo international airport expansion by nordic office of architecture


  • Oslo, Norway
  • nordic office of architecture
