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Before and After – An architect redesigns his own home in Connecticut

This New Milford, Connecticut house was originally built in 1968, and unfortunately was always a rather bland design.

But that all changed when architect Donald Billinkoff purchased the home and renovated it for himself and his wife.

One of the major changes to the home was the replacement of the original slotted windows at the front of the house with floor-to-ceiling glass.

Another change to the home, was adding a 600 square foot screened-in deck.

The original fireplace was built to last, with the original mason embedding the tile into the concrete that formed the mansard. When they learned it wasn’t going to be easy to remove, Donald decided to hide the mansard behind a screen of concrete block, blackened steel and sheet rock.

At the end of the hallway is the master bedroom, with a large centrally located wooden headboard.


  • New Milford, CT, USA
  • Donald Billinkoff