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note-D's tomoe villas reinterpret traditional indian courtyard houses

indian architectural practice note-D has completed a luxury residential dwelling near alibag, a town in the country’s maharashtra state.

the region, which is a short boat ride away from mumbai, is quickly becoming a much-desired destination for weekend breaks and vacations.

the scheme, named ‘tomoe villas’, is based on the configuration of a typical indian courtyard home, which is conducive to tropical weather in terms of light and ventilation. the central plaza has been manipulated to dissolve the boundaries between indoor and outdoor space, with the resultant spiral geometry providing a range of enclosed and shaded volumes.

the dwelling contains living areas, six bedrooms, gardens, terraces and a swimming pool. private areas of the home are found at the ground floor, with services positioned at a subterranean level. programmable outdoor spaces such as the loggia on the mezzanine are injected at regular intervals as you move around the courtyard, maintaining a visual connection across each level. the pool’s location has been chosen to take advantage of the site’s wind direction in order to naturally cool the house.

the spiral geometry provides a range of enclosed and shaded volumes


  • Maharashtra, India
  • note-D
