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This tiny house in Spain has room for one person and a tree

This guest house in northern Spain literally wraps around a garden with a large tree at the center. Spanish office Taller Basico de Arquitectura extended the facade of the house to form a fence by using the same white metallic tubes that screen the walls to demarcate the perimeter of the plot.

The owners commissioned the architects to design a small guest house with two rooms-one inside the house and the other for the tree in the garden. Called ‘The House of a Man and a Tree,’ the building is meant to be open to the sky and accentuate the natural elements. One wall of the house is glazed and screened by white-painted metal tubes that extend and form the fence which surrounds the old tree.

“Metallic tubes painted white create the visible transparency of both rooms,” explained the architects. “The first set points the room of the tree to the sky. The second folds to discover from the guest room the garden,” they added.

The interior comprises a space that functions as a living room and bedroom, a small toilet with shelving, and a study. It is connected to the garden via a glass door.

This tiny house in Spain has room for one person and a tree


  • Spain
  • Taller Basico de Arquitectura
