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New luxury treehouse village in Surrey boasts fairytale turrets and a copper roof

We love a rough hewn treehouse in the neighbor's backyard, but we are also completely charmed by Blue Forest's growing line of luxury treehouse developments. Their latest in Surrey - At the Water's Edge - boasts a trio of turreted treehouses connected by rope bridges, and a green-roofed clubhouse of sorts full of gym equipment.

Designed to entertain both children and adults, the project was built in part with sustainable Kebony wood.

The treehouse village allows children to live out their outdoor fantasies in style – with safe cargo nets and rope bridges to test their agility. Kebony wood, which is comprised of fast-growing softwood pickled with agricultural waste to create a strong and weather-proof building material designed to last, was used in the decking and for the raised flooring between the treehouses.

The treehouses are designed to blend with the natural surroundings and bring both the children and their parents into greater harmony with nature, while the copper roof and Kebony wood, both of which will weather over time, further unite the built and natural environment.

There’s a pool by the lakehouse that includes a manmade waterfall, and in cooler weather, the whole thing is covered with wood decking, preserving space. A small island in a carp lake offers further opportunities for relaxation.

New luxury treehouse village in Surrey boasts fairytale turrets and a copper roof


  • Surrey, UK
  • Blue Forest