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Palazzo di Via Torino Palla Lupetta

The newly proposed design building for the accommodation of large international companies.

The project will be in today involves the construction of :

• 2,350 square meters of commercial area on the side of Via Torino developed plans and Earth +1

• 950 square meters of residential developed towards the Lupetta Street / Square St. Alessandro

• 90 Box buried

• 2,100 square meters of office space for public use on the upper floors on the side of Via Torino completely independent from the rest of the building .

the objectives

• Create a building that constitutes a "sign" positive for the city and in the city , solving one of the most degraded areas that still exist in the center of Milan

• Create a space large commercial and very " feature " that can accommodate large international companies giving new impetus to Via Torino

• Create a new conception of space that is a catalyst for the attention of the young audience typical visitor to the area


• High quality architecture

• Strong attention to energy saving

• Strong image of the complex

• Enhancement of outdoor spaces and common -area and the property

Palazzo di Via Torino Palla Lupetta


  • Milan, Italy
  • Studio Asti Pria
