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Wolveridge Architects' Martha Beach House is a naturally-cooled family home in Australia

Wolveridge Architects's Martha Beach House is a naturally-cooled family home located in the suburb in Melbourne, Australia.

It is the second house in the neighborhood designed by the same architects, and is meant to capitalize on the architects' previous experience in order to provide a comfortable family home.

The house features a flexible living space, including four bedrooms, a kitchen and a dining area located on the north side facing the pool. Spaces of various levels of intimacy and natural lighting create different atmospheres with maximized daylight and vantage points for enjoying the surrounding landscape. The house provides protection from the predominant coastal winds and uses cross-ventilation to efficiently cool its spaces.

The building also features a generous space for kids with study areas and bedrooms. The lower level allows the inhabitants to pursue various weekend activities without disrupting the daily life of the household.

Wolveridge Architects' Martha Beach House is a naturally-cooled family home in Australia


  • Melbourne VIC, Australia
  • Wolveridge Architects