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Neri&Hu To Create Das Haus 2015

Chinese architects Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu have been invited by imm cologne to create Das Haus 2015, a 240sqm residential house simulation at the annual international design fair in Cologne.

After a unique interpretation by Danish designer Louise Campbell in 2014, characterised by a romantic purism, Shanghai-based Neri&Hu Design and Research Office will provide an entirely new perspective.

Besides the overall structure, the furniture, colours, materials, lighting and accessories are also selected by the designer, rendering the finished house an individual configuration of interior design.

“In Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu’s work, there is less traditional Eastern flair and more of a pronounced modern and international style.” says imm cologne.

“However, their interior design and design objects – mainly furniture and accessories – speak of an aesthetic totally their own, a result of the western principle of reduction being applied to the huge diversity of Chinese form. Form and material seem to emerge from this encounter with a whole new sensuality.”

Tray Desk by Neri&Hu


  • Cologne, Germany
  • Neri&Hu