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Kettal and Patricia Urquiola create Kettal Cottage: a part tiny house, part tent escape

This small tent-like structure designed by Patricia Urquiola is a combination of a camping tent, hammock and tiny-house all in one.

Designed for a manufacturer of outdoor furnishings Kettal, the Kettal Cottage allows you to spend more time lounging in your yard and enjoying nice weather.

Spanish architect and designer Patricia Urquiola is known for her unique furniture pieces and her collaboration with furniture manufacturer Kettal has resulted in interesting lines of outdoor furnishings that use natural and sustainable materials and provide optimal levels of comfort. For the Italian company Budri, which was affected by the devastating earthquake that struck the Italian region of Emilia in 2012, Urquiola created furniture pieces from their archive of damaged marbles and stones.

This time, she created a tiny cottage that can be used as a refuge for meditation, relaxing or simply reading a book. The structure demonstrates the designer’s interest in working with technologically developed materials using craft techniques. It features wooden struts that provide support for the roof-mounted fabric and triangular metal frames.


  • Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
  • Patricia Urquiola