Nice SHOT: an All-White, Super-Healthy Food Bar in St. Paul’s, London
Based out of London and with the food-conscious City denizen in mind, SHOT is a concept eatery that offers super-healthy, gourmet meals and treats at fast-food speed.
The chefs at SHOT prepare each recipe following a scientific approach, and have even created a set of rules for their cooking which dictates that every ingredient on the menu must not only be fresh and chemical-free, but also have direct health benefits. For its first café in St. Paul’s, SHOT asked Wilson Holloway architects for an experimental interior that reflected the eatery’s identity and method resulting in an all-white, clinical interior that brought much-needed light inside the little Bride Lane shop.
Inspired by tiled Victorian laboratories and the curved ceramics of the London Underground, the entire shop was covered with white tiles following a grid of 15x15 centimetres. To achieve the continuous grid effect on every surface, a 3D model of the interior was drawn on a computer and then given to expert ceramics manufacturer D-Tiles to implement. Splashes of colour on the stools and pendant lights match the eatery’s branding, while live plants on the counters represent SHOT’s commitment to delivering fresh food and complete transparency in the preparation process.
“The difficulty in this project was designing something distinctive yet functional in such a small space. Our aim was to create an intricate interior that reflects the high level of detail our clients put into their product.”