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light grain house by yoshiaki yamashita includes a perforated steel façade

in the japanese city of osaka, architect yoshiaki yamashita has completed ‘light grain’, a three storey residence that features a perforated façade.

designed for a young couple and their son, the brief called for a home that balanced the incorporation of natural light and ventilation with the need for privacy. occupying a plot of just 80 square meters, the upper level of the timber structure is clad with a steel screen, punctured with hundreds of circular openings that diffuse daylight throughout the building.

the same motif is applied to the flooring at the rear of the property, allowing light to reach a small enclosed garden that borders a ground floor bedroom. this area also adjoins a traditional japanese room, complete with tatami mats. a staircase leads to the home’s primary living accommodation above, where a kitchen is joined by a spacious dining room flanked by two secluded terraces. the uppermost storey contains the dwelling’s sleeping quarters, and features a fully external balcony elevated above the surrounding neighborhood.

a fully external balcony is elevated above the surrounding neighborhood


  • Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
  • yoshiaki yamashita