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House in Satsuma

Designed by Fukuoka-based architect Masumi Yanase, House in Satsuma is located in a recently rezoned, rapidly-developing residential district in central Kagoshima. The city on the southern tip of the island of Kyushu is most famous for Sakurajima, an active volcano that rises dramatically from the adjacent bay. In addition to the severe impact of the volcano’s ongoing eruptions on the daily life of city-dwellers, Kagoshima suffers periodic typhoons and searing summer heat

We asked the architect, who is principal at Masumi Yanase Architect Office, to tell us about the project.

What was most important for you during the design process?

The primitive structure consisting essentially of a roof and floor, and the deep eaves on the hipped roof provide protection from the natural environment, as well as moderating the sunlight and reflecting the constantly shifting light and shadows. The latticework and bamboo screens further enrich the diversity of moods in the home’s interior and exterior.

What challenges did you face in the project? How did you respond to them?

The house sits on a double lot, and, with eaves extending out 1.2-meters, appears quite large compared to other homes in the neighborhood. By keeping the eaves low and giving the building a linear profile, I aimed for the main structure to sink quietly into the shadow of its eaves. I also paid close attention to the detailing on the edges of the eaves, and surrounded the home with greenery and wooden fencing. My goal was for the building to contribute in whatever small ways possible to the general appearance of the street.

What did you learn from this project? What will you take from it to future projects?

From ancient times, architecture has served as a tool to protect people from the natural elements. This project made me want to rethink how to do that, not with fancy technology, but rather through the basic structural elements of the house, such as the eaves and furniture.

How does this project fit into current architectural trends such as sustainability, social function, or technology?

I thought that creating a simple and generous architectural design was a way to give the building lasting appeal as an element of the environment and for the people who inhabit it, even in the current era of rapid change. What is the societal role of the architect?

I feel the role of architectural design is not simply to fulfill certain functional or design requirements, but rather to create better environments by mediating the relationships, spaces, and connections between people and the diversity of objects surrounding them in their living space.

Night view of the living room from the east garden


  • Satsuma, Satsuma District, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan
  • Masumi Yanase