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akihisa hirata architecture office models kotoriku from the city grid

when approaching a design concept for an apartment in tokyo titled’ kotoriku’, japanese practice akihisa hirata architecture office looked to the larger scale of the neighborhood, where irregular roads define different zones of activity with varying qualities of space, light, and material.

it was this concept that created the impetus for the design on a smaller scale- the structure is composed of crumbling concrete walls that encircle the site while layers of radically different floor plans, resembling voronoi diagrams, formulate the different living areas within. the ground level consists of shared public spaces where a central staircase can be accessed to reach the various units. each apartment is characterized by its own unique floor plan, angles, and materials, especially with regards to the concrete. each space contains concrete walls cast using different materials to create a mix of textures. in this way, each floor can be considered its own city, with its own unique spaces and relationship to the outside world. each room is unique in size, shape and use, and partially defines the nature of the apartment.

akihisa hirata architecture office models kotoriku from the city grid


  • Tokyo, Japan
  • Akihisa hirata architecture