florian busch architects playfully places windows on r4 building in tokyo
The ‘r4 building’ in tokyo, perched on a hill in an inner city location, is an office building by the architects at florian busch.
The site proved challenging in the early stages, there were clear constraints illustrated in the narrowness of the road, the neighboring cemetery and being sandwiched against a towering 40m building. the approach resulted in a three-storey, modest, concrete structure including a roof terrace with different sized and playfully placed windows punctuating the envelope. the windows provide varying focal points whilst framing the surroundings at discrete levels. internally, the floors address an adaptable strategy, with brightly lit rooms, timber details and the levels eventually lead up to a timber decked roof garden where the square form of the windows have been extended onto the roof to form sunken seating and planting areas for foliage.