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pedevilla's haus in mülbach mirrors the mountainous bolzano terrain

Pedevilla architects has designed this monolithic family residence ‘haus in mülbach’ in Bolzano, Italy.

set on the foothills of the alpine slopes and next to a flowing river, the angularity of the roof mirrors the form of the neighboring mountains where the white-cement exterior contrasts against the forest greens of the surroundings. the building strikes a balance between being a distinctive, contemporary structure but at the same time, harmonizes with the environment. using natural, locally-sourced high quality materials, the interior has been delicately constructed using elm wood, a chalked-based plaster and subtle bronze detailing in the decor- all of which showing skilled methods of assembly. simple in design, the timber floors match the frames of the carefully arranged windows, giving a sense of warmth throughout. meanwhile each window punctures the structure at different heights and sizes, all of which look out onto a spectacular view of the mountain peaks and overlapping forest scenery.

elm wood interior


  • Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
  • pedevilla architects