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Tiny pod-like home balances on single concrete pillar

Although typical country homes tend to blend into their natural surroundings, some are just made to stand out. Built by Prague-based architect Jan Sepka, House in the Orchard is a concrete-clad tiny home set on a single concrete pillar. Located in the middle of a green field, this pod home looks as if it just plopped down from outer space.

Although the tiny home design may look extremely contemporary, its concept was inspired by the natural green surroundings. The inclined slope of the landscape led the design’s unique volume and support. From most angles, the home appears to be floating above the green space, but there is a steel footbridge that leads to the entrance from the other side.

Although completely supported by a reinforced-concrete foundation, the home has a timber frame, which was designed digitally. A light natural wood makes up the interior walls and the sloped double height ceiling, which gives the compact area a surprisingly spacious feel. Thanks to a large window, the living space is naturally lit and a small fireplace is used for heating. The master bedroom is located on the second floor, which leads to a private office space with stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Tiny pod-like home balances on single concrete pillar


  • Prague, Czechia
