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Pasture Project

Built on a homestead pasture in the spectacular presence of Mt. Olympus, this dwelling is rooted in the site and fostered by its residents.

The owners sought a home that would operate on minimal energy, connect with its environment, promote family interaction and exude exceptional modern design.

The off‐north axis orientation of the private areas optimizes pasture and mountain views while the strict

north‐south orientation of the living space ensuring winter heat gain and summer shading. Open living

maximizes usable floor space by minimizing hallways.

Without mechanical air conditioning, as requested per the owner, the home’s design employs many

passive cooling strategies. Smaller east and west facades reduce surface area for solar gain. A large,

super‐insulated over hanging roof shades exterior walls and living spaces from the high summer sun.

Warm air within the home rises along the pitched ceiling plane where it is exhausted through large

operable doors. This induced convection naturally pulls in fresh air, cooled by surrounding vegetation,

through ground level windows. Strategic door and floor to ceiling window placements facilitate natural

light, distinguished views of the surrounding landscape and cross‐ventilation activated by the site’s daily

breezes. Darkened, radiant concrete floors serve the only active mechanical system, connecting living

spaces and form the grounding counterpoint to the light and volume.

The owners emphasized family interaction, connectedness, and communal living. This resulted in a

large open living space combining kitchen, living, and dining into a year‐round indoor/outdoor living

experience. With a flush‐mounted, fully operable 12 foot tall by 35 foot long glass wall, the line

between indoor and outdoor living is blurred. Connection between all remaining spaces, interior and

exterior culminates here.

Upon certificate of occupancy, the brother, a master brewer for locally operated Red Rock Brewery,

concocted a limited edition Belgian Ale to celebrate this responsive residence. 'Pasture‐rized' was

imbibed during a house warming party one fabulous winter evening, formalizing the family's new living

space in the pasture. Cheers!

Pasture Project


  • Holladay, UT, USA
  • Imbue Design
