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A green-roofed Hobbit home anyone can build in just 3 days

Can you imagine living in a 400-square-foot tiny home that is eco-friendly and energy-efficient, yet boasts all the amenities of a conventional house? Magic Green Homes fabricates such structures using prefabricated vaulted panels and covers them with soil, creating flexible green-roofed living spaces with a Tolkienesque charm. And the kicker? They're so easy to construct, just about anyone can build one.

The Green Magic Homes are composed of prefabricated vaulted panels manufactured with composite laminate materials, confined by walls in reinforced soil. The structure is easy to assemble and features perforated flaps in order to screw and seal the components together.

Because of this efficient technology, the designs can be adapted to any type of topography and customized to fit individual needs. The good thing is customers can start small and purchase panels which would be sufficient to build a few modules and then expand as they go. It takes only three people to assemble the structure in three days, with no special skills or heavy equipment.

The technology draws from various methods of earth construction and stabilization, such as superadobe and geotextiles. Composite ducts and channels for electrical wiring and water pipes as well as mechanical ventilation ducts can be added to the shell at any point. The trick with this type of construction is to achieve adequate ventilation and water-proofing, which Green Magic Homes address in a new way by creating strong, modular, waterproof inner shells that structurally collaborate with the earth.

A green-roofed Hobbit home anyone can build in just 3 days


  • Shasta Lake, CA 96019, USA
  • Magic Green Homes
