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GS House

The 750 sqm weekend house designed by MWS arquitectos in Argentina is hidden from the outside thanks to a natural slope, big local stones, and a forest of Acacia trees.

The weekend house project by MWS arquitectura in the province of Cordoba, Argentina, is a 750 sqm space that had one important requirement: it had to be hidden as much as possible. The building is located 60 km away from Ascochingas, within the rural areas of the Sierras Chicas hills.

Densely inhabited by acacias, the area is surrounded by a gully from South to West that protects a hidden river. The house is distributed on one floor and oriented West–South. It hosts four bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a studio, a garage, a small warehouse, circulation space and big galleries. Taking advantage of a small slope, eight meters high and 80 meters long the building looks small, as requested by the clients. Part of the bedrooms are buried in the ground and the material that was dig up has been used on other areas to hide the house. The whole space blurs outdoors and indoors, creating a relaxed and bucolic atmosphere defined by stone, vegetation, wood, concrete, and steel profiles.

GS House


  • Ascochinga, Cordoba, Argentina
  • MWS arquitectura