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archstudio's children's art school features multiple ranges of artificial wood-clad hills

chinese architecture firm archstudio has designed a children’s educational space for the poly wedo art educational institution, located on the second floor of beijing damei central.

chinese architecture firm archstudio has designed a children’s educational space for the poly wedo art educational institution, located on the second floor of beijing damei central. this institution mainly teaches children music, dance, tea, cooking, and craft courses, thus, the architect’s design provides the appropriate classrooms based on the activities. influenced by artificial hills found in traditional chinese gardens, the design creates multiple ranges of ‘artificial hills’ that allow children to happily play here.

archstudio incorporates a winding corridor that leads through the continuous curved walls, stimulating the children’s’ desire to explore. the curved walls partition the musical classroom, reception area, cooking area, tea classroom and play area. additionally, a series of alternating arches further change the relationship of each area, creating a layered and crossed visual interest. the musical classroom is sealed by curved glass to ensure sound insulation and encourage an open teaching environment. the tea classroom and the cooking area are separated by reverse-arch walls, which are also tools for children to stride, rest, and play.

the art classroom is located at the corner of the corridor where children can sit around the tree to do arts and crafts. nine private piano classrooms are arranged on both sides of the corridor — each classroom is designed as a small cave which ensures acoustic quality as arched wall is conducive to sound mixing. the corridor is predominantly made of wood whereas some walls are mirrored stainless steel, creating a reflection of the material that generates a deep and dazzling spatial element.

archstudio's children's art school features multiple ranges of artificial wood-clad hills


  • China, Beijing Shi, Chaoyang Qu, 高碑店高碑店村588 邮政编码: 100123
  • archstudio
