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Fully automated parking garage helps reduce vehicle emissions in Turkey

This amazing fully automated parking garage built in the busiest district of Izmir, Turkey, is a green building that helps reduce emissions while allowing a car to be parked every three minutes

The eco-friendly structure, designed by BRN Architects looks like an office building, but boasts a state-of-the-art automation system across its 11 levels, meeting the car parking needs of the city and its surroundings while reducing emissions.

The garage is located in the busiest district of the city where three main boulevards create congestion and produce high levels of air pollution, The garage encourages people visiting the area to park in the structure and walk around town, rather than driving around the city looking for parking spaces, which helps control emissions. It was built completely of steel construction and is the highest building in Izmir. It has the capacity to store 280 cars, and can move four vehicles simultaneously, with each car parked in just three minutes.

Except for the ground floor, the public is not allowed in the building. A vehicle entrance/exit and human entrance/exit are the two main inputs into the building and the latter has been designed using calm color tones to appeal to people on the street level. This is further developed by introducing an abundant garden area.

Only the bottom level of the structure requires air conditioning, the upper stories are built so as to maintain a consistent temperature naturally. Careful placement of the building’s reflective facade pieces and heavy insulation reduces the heat of the afternoon sun, eliminating the need for extra energy to control the climate of the building beyond the ground floor.

The cars are transported to all of the stories by means of the automated elevator system, which means that, unlike the traditional parking garage, exhaust gases are not being released into the atmosphere as cars idle and travel through the garage. When combined with the building’s tight envelope, this reduces the exposure to carbon emissions that nearby residence experience and that are released into the environment.

Fully automated parking garage helps reduce vehicle emissions in Turkey


  • İzmir/İzmir, Turkey
  • BRN Architects