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La Capsula preserves existing green space with a pod-like home addition

This concrete and wood extension to a house in Mexico perches over and encloses a large backyard.

The two structures, collectively named La Cápsula, sit opposite each other, each housing different types of spaces - one the work space and the other the living areas. Local studio Noborders Collective designed and construction firm MIISA built the addition for a client that didn’t want the new structures to obstruct or alter the green space of the garden.

The existing house is located in the Colonia del Valle neighborhood of Monterrey, Mexico. Two elevated structures were added above a 144-square-meter yard and placed on opposite ends of the house. Despite their contrasting appearance – one section follows an angular concrete form, while the other has a lattice-like orthogonal look – the structures create an environment that feels consistent and compatible with the existing house.

AOne of the additions, the structure enclosed in glass and concrete, accommodates a new office space. The other, a steel structure clad in wooden panels, provides a terrace connected to the living room downstairs and a balcony for the main bedroom on the first floor. The two structures separate distinct functions. The part that houses the new office is partially supported on a white perimeter wall and two angled black poles. The glass is supported by white frames.

La Capsula preserves existing green space with a pod-like home addition


  • Mexico