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world's first 3D-printed concrete houses to be built in eindhoven, the netherlands

over the next five years, the city of eindhoven will see the first 3D-printed concrete houses built in the area of meerhoven. with a design based on erratic blocks in a green landscape, the irregularly shaped structures take full advantage of 3D-printing’s ability to construct almost any shape.

project milestone is a world’s first, as the houses will all be occupied, and counts the municipality of eindhoven, TU/e, contractor van wijnen, real estate manager vesteda, materials company saint gobain-weber beamix and engineering firm witteveen+bos as project partners. the first house will be a single-floor dwelling and it is expected to be ready for occupation mid 2019, while the other four will be multi-story structures and will be completed later on. the concrete structures will be subject to all the regular building regulations and set out to meet the demands of current-day occupants concerning comfort, lay-out, quality and pricing.

world's first 3D-printed concrete houses to be built in eindhoven, the netherlands


  • Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • witteveen+bos