AnalogFolk Bridge
Second office space for Analog Folk
AnalogFolk Bridge is a 198 sqm. office extension to the exis;ng AnalogFolk HQ. Located in one of the most crea;ve hubs in East London, Clerkenwell provides the perfect loca;on for this expanding company. The AnalogFolk extension consisted of a new recep;on, open bar zone, large mee;ng room, and open work space.
The main concept for the extension was to architecturally connect the space to its immediate environment through the element of light. A logo on a frosted glass par::on in the rear of the new zone glows day and night to create a retail effect that draws the a=en:on of a passerby.
The furniture on the other hand speaks to the ethos of the company already accentuated in the original HQ conversion. AnalogFolk is an interac:ve agency that uses digital to make the analog world be=er. Similarly, reclaimed furniture from OSB is modeled into unique forms and a new light installa:on uses simple wires and lights to create a feature light – both using digital to make the analog world be=er. The space becomes an experiment in how to use tradi:onal materials from the past to transform the future of the adver:sement agency's work environment.