Before & After – A Brooklyn Factory Transformed Into A Co-Working Space
STUDIOSC have designed the transformation of a 10,000 square foot ground floor factory space into a contemporary co-working office in Brooklyn, New York.
The designer’s description
Within an empty 10,000 Sq. Foot Ground floor space, STUDIOSC was commissioned to envision a creative co-working office in Bushwick, Brooklyn.
The concept was to create a refined working environment using materials that would normally be considered trash.
The old exterior factory windows that were replaced, were re-purposed to create dividing walls and become interior light sources in the main open desk & conference room area.
Working with Roguebuilt, we were able to amass off-cuts of OSB boards that would typically be thrown out or recycled, cut and dyed them on site and created most of the of the delineating elements within the space; entry ceiling, kitchen dividing beam, back wall mosaic wall, kitchen wall accents, and reception desk.