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Low-cost Eucalyptus screen shields a hospital dormitory from Rwanda’s scorching sun

New York-based Sharon Davis Design completed a housing project in Rwanda that was built by local residents using regional materials.

The new building, which features a low-cost Eucalyptus screen that shields the interior from the scorching sun, is designed to accommodate and provide community spaces for doctors and nurses working nearby in the Rwinkwavu Hospital.

The new building is expected to make work easier for the hospital staff by providing accommodation in the vicinity of the hospital. The challenge was to create a structure that would not function as any old dormitory, but a space that fosters a sense of community in Rwinkwavu, known as one of the poorest areas in Rwanda.

The building complex can accommodate 16 people in shared houses, with room for eight in each. Covered outdoor hallways connect the rooms and feature screens made from eucalyptus wood. These additional elements provide privacy and help keep the spaces cool. Each bedroom has a covered terrace. Locally sourced stone was quarried in the immediate area and handmade into bricks by a women’s collaborative, with most of the construction work completed by people from the nearby village.

The project was executed in collaboration with Partners in Health and the Rwandan Ministry of Health. It is the second Rwandan project by Sharon Davis Studio-the first one was the Women’s Opportunity Center in Kayonza.

Low-cost Eucalyptus screen shields a hospital dormitory from Rwanda’s scorching sun


  • Rwanda
  • Sharon Davis Design
