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This quirky Spanish eco-house is hidden under a rolling hill

The Live Garden House is a green-roofed, vaulted home built using traditional techniques in Zaragoza, Spain that is hidden underneath the curves of a rolling hill.

Spanish designers Alberto Monreal and Elisa Durán of Arquitecturas Naturales S.C. created this beautiful home by focusing on sustainable construction methods and locally-sourced building materials. Their efforts resulted in a nearly zero-energy building that captures sunlight, features natural ventilation and has a rainwater collection system.

The sustainable mechanisms present in the house are all nestled underneath an undulating green roof that blends the residence into the surrounding landscape and makes it almost invisible from certain perspectives. The architects used rubble to build the walls and several other types of natural and reused materials.

While the entrance is covered with a sloping roof, most of the interior is topped with a green roof and vegetation. Inside, vaults, wooden elements and rubble walls reference the traditional architecture and building techniques of the region and create a Mediterranean atmosphere.

Inside, vaults, wooden elements and rubble walls reference the traditional architecture and building techniques of the region and create a Mediterranean atmosphere.


  • Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
  • Arquitecturas Naturales S.C.
