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Villa in the Beskydy Mountains is clad in a 3D perforated sheet metal facade

Eschewing the traditional wood and stone facades that most homes exhibit, this villa by Zdeněk Trefil is completely clad in a 3D perforated, corrugated sheet metal facade.

The design provides a clever barrier against the sun and wind, acting as a sort of second skin to the underlying wood frame, augmenting the Villa's passive house construction. The entire structure sits on a podium made out of stone-filled gabion walls.

The structure, called Villa in the Beskydy Mountains, was crafted using traditional local construction techniques blended seamlessly with modern technology, including cross-glued wooden panels and stainless steel load bearing beams.

The interior is designed based on a concept called “plan libre,” in which all the private spaces are oriented to the south, while the entrance and public areas face north. Large windows allow plenty of sunlight to enter, and the harshest light is filtered through the metal facade.

The home was designed with passive house principles, utilizing solar heating for the water system and heat pumps for the home’s central heating. All of the furniture was custom designed for the Villa.

The home was designed with passive house principles.   Read more: Villa in the Beskydy Mountains is clad in a 3D perforated sheet metal facade Villa in Beskydy Mountains Zdenek Trefil 11 – Inhabita...


  • Czech Republic
  • Zdeněk Trefil
