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Motoki Asano of spray designs multi-generational house in wakayama

The ‘house in wakayama’ was designed by motoki asano of architecture studio spray in wakayama, japan.

The residence hosts four generations of a single family; eight people in total, ranging from a one year old baby to his great-grandmother. The dwelling has a traditional grid-based design, and is constructed primarily with wood to keep costs low. There’s very little decoration both inside and outside the home. A large gabled roof made of titanium-zinc alloy is the primary aesthetic feature, and acts as a covering for the veranda that runs along the structure’s perimeter. Inside, bedrooms are positioned in a checkered pattern throughout. A large central living room on the first floor is the primary commons area, and other rooms branch outwardly from there. ‘House in Wakayama’ seems maze-like regardless of its simple organization, thus feeling more expansive than it really is.

japanese room with tatami floor, view to living room and stairwell to second floor


  • Wakayama, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan
  • spray