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chalet forestier weekend cabin designed by atelier barda & lise gagné

‘chalet forestier’ is a single family cottage that sits upon the eastern face of mount pinnacle in frelighsburg, quebec.

the home was designed by quebecois firm atelier barda, in collaboration with lise gagné architect, using a modest set of requirements laid out by the clients. it was necessary that the structure be easy to maintain — secondary weekend residence — be open to the surrounding landscape, and be built using cross-laminated timber.

the design completes all three, and is organized as a single volume sub-divided into three programmatic spaces: a master bedroom/public area, a loggia, and children’s bloc. there’s one catch though, each is totally independent, with no access provided indoors. to move between the three, inhabitants must first walk outside — which during the canadian winter, is a feat unto itself.

however the quirk was accepted excitedly by the clients, who believe forcing themselves outside will only enhance their relation to the landscape; as well as saving money by only heating occupied spaces. the home in its entirety is by no means hidden within the forest. its black mass is meant deliberately to create a sense of space by means of stark contrast. light and shadows dance across the structure unpredictably, further transforming the chalet throughout the days.

open kitchen


  • Frelighsburg, QC J0J, Canada
  • atelier barda