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nest alternative ski house concept by bicuadro architecture associates

italian firm bicuadro architecture associates ‘nest’ is an alternative ski house concept placed within the context of powder mountain, a short drive from salt lake city, utah, USA.

created with the basic intents of uniqueness, privacy, and state-of-the-art-ness, the ‘nest’ is optimized to allow residents to contemplate the picturesque beauty of the surrounding valley.

in the ‘nest’ masterplan, individual units would be grouped together in clusters along northern-facing slopes somewhere on the resort’s 7,000+ skiable acres. plot access is provided by a common walkway up-mountain, allowing uninterrupted down-mountain views. each is composed of a cylindrical shell that integrates user needs while creating optimal energy performance (natural light via tall windows oriented to south, large sunroof).

island bar with views to living and dining areas


  • Salt Lake City, UT, USA
  • bicuadro architecture associates