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Evans House in Argentina features enviable views of the Andes mountain range

The Evans House in Tunuyán, Argentina is designed to take full advantage of the breathtaking views that surround it.

Built in a vineyard, the house rises subtly over the vegetation so that inhabitants can see the nearby valley and Andes mountain range, while still blending harmoniously with the landscape. The architects, a4estudio, took their inspiration from a hollowed-out log to create a home that offers enviable views and unobtrusive design.

According to the architects, “The project is a prism that sits on a basement. The natural landscape of Uco`s Valley, framed by the Andes, gets culturalized with the vineyards plots. It is extensive. It invites us to contemplate, to breathe … to stay …” Because the area is exceptionally beautiful, they wanted to create something that was a part of the landscape and not something imposed on it.

To accomplish this, the architects took inspiration from a hollowed-out log laying on its side. The home has picturesque views out of the west and east sides of the home, and is more sheltered and enclosed on the elongated north and south sides. The building is covered in a weathered metal to allow it to blend into the landscape, while the interior is coated in natural wood. The basement pays homage to the local landscape with locally-sourced river stone.

The resulting design is one that places the viewer in the perfect position to witness the astounding views, while feeling like they are a part of the landscape.

Evans House in Argentina features enviable views of the Andes mountain range


  • Tunuyán, Mendoza Province, Argentina
  • a4estudio