Now suitable for permanent use
A gift? Yes, BL (Denmark’s Public Housing) and Lokale & Anlægsfonden offered permanent construction of the dome to the Island of Bornholm and the city of Allinge. The idea of transforming this new architecture into a durable structure is to produce debate on the future of living. Since the geodesic dome emits the image of a spaceship, it certainly has stirred up questions dealing with said topic.
This dome contains the ability to be rationally and mathematically generated, allowing it to be an unlocked shape. Due to this capacity to be split up and scaled, the dome’s shape can be seasoned to its site and environment. While Danish designers Tejlgaard & Jepsen admit to its missing that appealing architectural look, plans to turn this temporary construction into a permanent one are in the works for 2014. Once inaugurated at the next Folkemøde, the intention is to then use the space as a community and event center for the city when it is not in use for the Folkemøde events. Having been pleasantly welcomed at Folkemøde in 2012, there’s no reason why this community hall shouldn’t provide the most fitting room for physical activities, meetings, debates, talks and parties.